
In history, we have faced the emergence from web 1.0 to web 2.0, and undoubtedly, there was always going to be an upgrade from our current version to a more advanced version. Previously we looked at technology evolving and the main aspect of it clearly seems to be our evolving web. Bringing back the idea of the effects of the internet on globalisation, the topic of today based on the emergence of the web 3.0, it adds upon the majopr effects the internet has on our culture. Nevertheless, the web can be identified as a new devised culture.

We are constantly becoming dependant on the web which as discussed previously is using us. We may feel in control of what we upload on the internet but infact the internet is using us to evolve, and now, the evolvement is gradually reaching its success as the new web 3.0 is emerging.

Furthermore, the society of today rely on convenience. And the only way for companies to match our convenience is by making us feel that we are in charge. Software technologies are becoming more and more intellegent to the extent that software profiles can be built about a person by the device which will help meet the needs of the person. We begin to ask ourselves what web 3.0 is exactly and what bracket it falls in. However, the web 3.0 can be defined as the semantic web. The semantic web is basically alla bout meaning. The semantic web is about publishing pages designed to be understood by computers so that they can perform more of the tedious work involved in finding, sharing, and combining information on the web, which completely overrules syntax which is just the information rather than understanding the meaning.

In addition, the phrase ubiquitous computing was a phrase byMark Weiser who believed that  technology should have a calming influence if it was to be of merit.

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